PUSHER 22' SUMMER DROP July 03 2022, 11 Comments
PUSHER 10 YEAR DVD NOW AVAILABLE January 20 2022, 22 Comments
Our 10 year dvd is now available in store or online! Peep the boys crush some street as well with a few dirt and park clips featuring some of our homies too. All dvds will be free. Free with every order place and if you only need the dvd the cost is only shipping. Thank you for a great 10 Years and here's to many more 🍻
Celebrating 10 years of business serving the best of customers! Check out this big crew Mix featuring some of the homies. Dirt, Park and mostly Street riding.Filmed and Edited by : Daniel Camacho with Grindwheel Productions.
Art work photo collage : Clay Brown
Free with every order placed, just pay for shipping if only dvd.
Devin Burks
Micah Lee
Preston Solis
Daniel Camacho
Clayton Brown
Sean Henni
Dawson Foster
Mat Olson
Taylor Bonds
Shane Vanveldhuizen
Colin Gilmore
Josh Dunn
Adrian Varela
Adrian Vigil
Jonathan Harris
Jeffery Harris
Max Sweatman
Alex Friday
Dillon Greybeal
Keegan Miller
(works best with hdmi player.)
Additional filming by Mario Carrasco, Dustin Arp, Andrew Knight, Preston Levi, Max Arbess, Dan Nielsen, Adrian Varela and Clay Brown
2021 Grindwheel Grand Slam Jam July 02 2021, 10 Comments
GRINDWHEEL GRAND SLAM JAM going down this Sunday! Join us as we celebrate the 4th all through town. Starting at Barnum at 6 pm cruising the streets of Denver after and than ending it at good ol DPARK! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
CONTINUE READING...The Scrapes and Apes Jam 2021 May 07 2021, 16 Comments
About 3 Weeks ago we all gathered to Wheatridge park and threw The Scrapes and Apes Jam 2021.
It was our first Jam back from the pandemic and the turn out was great. Pusher teamed up with Grindwheel and ABQDNV to give out cash and prizes all day.
Riders from all over the state came together to scrape the hell out of the park. You can see all the madness here as riders hit the bowl and the street features.
Thank you to everyone who came and be prepared for our 4th of July party happening very soon.
Here are a few photos from the day:
Shop Life During a Pandemic .... January 12 2021, 15 Comments
We're coming close to a whole year since the beginning of the Pandemic.
Crazy a year ago the team was getting ready for the Cali trip not knowing what the world would turn into coming back.
Once the lock down hit In March, we didn't exactly know what to do. We even bordered up the shop on some domesday thinking. Luckily bikes were an essential business giving us the okay to stay open during these times.
10 months flew making it the busiest the shop has ever been in the 10 years being open with sales going off the roof!
For more details about shop life during COVID you can check us out on DIGBMX and FATBMX for full interviews!
Shout out to all the customers for being patient, dealing, and following with all the guidelines as we get through all this!
CONTINUE READING...2020 Pusher Mountain Trip Gallery August 20 2020, 24 Comments
This Years Mountain Trip was one of for the books once again! With all the bumps on the road the boys still managed to make the most of it. From flights for life to broken van belts they still were laughing themselves to sleep by the fire every night.
The plan was to start in FairPlay and head south but with how things unfolded the boys kept it chill and stayed near with van parts not being available anytime soon.
Oh well, they still showed up to every park ready to get it! Please enjoy and keep them eyes open for the Video dropping soon!
Colin Gilmore
Danny Camacho
Dan Nielsen
Preston Solis
Devin Burks
Micah Lee
Shane VanVeldhuizen
Sean Hanni
Josh Dunn
On the way
Shortly arriving to the park, Dev was getting warmed up and took a spill falling straight to flat on a case causing his trip to be cut short.
Flight for Life. "make sure you get the clip of me flying out" is all the chef wanted!
After a wild first day experience the crew made their way to the top for a scenic campground.
Doesn't get better then this!
Preston Gappin in Vail.
Colin holding it for Dev.
Shane V still getting after a shoulder crash he's been dealing with.
This guy can ride a bike Tam Fam.
Must be Nice Dan!
It isn't a Pusher Mountain Trip without someone passing out at the fire trashed.
Team vape sesh!
Daily work on the van.
Young Leche in the cut.
Smoked out.
Ready for take off!
High fives for Tammy.
Welcoming our boy Colin to the Pusher Family. This dude rips
Late night by the fire.
The vest of times out here in the Rocky Mountains!
Shout out to the man behind the trigger Preston for all these pictures!
Video out soon.
Pusher Woodward Week 9 at Copper August 24 2019, 3320 Comments
Shane, Danny, Sean, and Micah hit up Woodward Copper for a week to hang out with the BMX Summer Campers. Heres a little Edit Danny put together.
Thank You Woodward Copper for taking good care of us!!
CONTINUE READING...Erie Jam August 21 2019, 5 Comments
Lets all party at Erie Park and give out some swag to all the rippers.
CONTINUE READING...Tuan Duong Bike Check June 07 2019, 18 Comments
Tuan Duong was one of the first team riders going on 7 years strong still riding everyday and going to local contests. Gives back by hanging out with the kids during the summer at Woodward Copper and East as a visiting Pro. Overall a good guy!! Checkout what he rides and also his brand https://tvisualproducts.com/
Frame: Colony Sweet Tooth 20.7
Bars: S&M Credence XL 9.25
Forks: Odyssey R32
Stem: Fiend Reynolds
Sprocket: Sunday Sabertooth 28t
Seat: Stranger
Seatpost: Odyssey
Chain: Shadow Chrome
Cranks: Demolition Revolt 170m
Pedals: Rants Plastic
Rims: Demolition Zero
Tires: Demolition Momentum 2.2 Front/ Premium Refuse 2.0
Hubs: Premium front/ Shadow Raptor Cassette rear
Pegs: Kink
Brake Lever: Odyssey Trigger
Upper Cable: Odyssey
Lower Cable: Odyssey
Gyro Plate: Odyssey
Brakes: Odyssey Evo 2
Brake Pads: Kool Stops
Grips: ODI Longneck
#pusherbmx #tvisualproducts
CONTINUE READING...Shane VanVeldhuizen Bike Check April 05 2019, 49 Comments
Shane is a Pusher OG. Been repping the shop for the longest and also the most relaxed. Check out what our friendly guy rides that keeps him smooth.
Pics: Danny Camacho
Frame: S&M UFO 21
Bars: Deco Mustanche Bar 10"
Fork: S&M PitchFork Wide Mouth
Stem: Fiend Ty Morrow
Sprocket: Federal AMG Guard 28t
Seat: Odyssey Aitken
Seatpost: BSD Acid
Chain: Shadow Half Link
Cranks: Fit Indent 170mm
Pedals: BSD Safari
Rims: Gsport Rollcage
Tires: S&M Mainline 2.4 front/ Animal GLH 2.30 rear
Hubs: Profile Mini Natural Camo Front/ Profile Z Coaster Natural Camo
Pegs: 2x Merritt Brandon Begin GFE Peg Grey
Grips: S&M Hoder Black
LUCK THE BRRR! March 21 2019, 2 Comments
ABQDNV with the first jam to kick off the year. The Luck of the Brrr themed around the party weekend of St. Patricks day. Having two wild Leprechauns running around pumped up everyone to get it!
Photos : Clay Brown
Once we found the pot of gold the party was on.
Devin Burks 360 can boost over the rainbow.
All the homies.
Always good to see Adrian Vigil.
Tremaine Steward tail whip.
Hogan with the classic move.
Devin Burks with the bump 270.
No pegs and front brakes stunner James Pocowatchit getting that thing as flat as possible.
One of Two Wild Leprechaun Jack Jolley down whipping.
Sometimes you have to tire ride a rail to get them extra ones $ Scotty Cyphers always throwing down at the jams.
Devin Burks crank arm before the piggys showed up.
Cops arriving to ruin the fun on the last spot to conclude the day.
Ride Bikes and make peace!!
Thank you for everyone who showed up, plenty of more Jams to come with winter being finally over.
Preston Solis Bike Check March 19 2019, 15 Comments
Preston really does love BMX. Whether he's fixing your bike at the shop, throwing jams for the scene or pedaling through the pouring snow, the mans has your back! Check out his current set up and see what gets him from point A to B.
Pics: Danny Camacho
Frame: Fit Homan Frame 21.25
Bar: Odyssey Super Highway 9.75
Fork: Odyssey R25
Stem: Odyssey Raft
Sprocket: Odyssey Half Bash 25t
Seat: Fiend Reynolds
Chain: Shadow Half Link
Cranks: Fit Indent 170mm
Pedals: Eclat AK
Rims: Merritt Battle
Tires: Demo Hammerhead 2.4
Hubs: Shadow Front/ Shadow Rear Coaster
Pegs: Odyssey MPEGS 4'
Grips: Animal Jeff K Grips
#pusherbmx #grindwheel
Devin "Masterchef" Burks Bike Check December 22 2018, 19 Comments
Devin is a local CO rider and Pusher shop fam member, with a larger than life personality, endless N bombs and all around ripper on the BMX. Check out his personal steed and see what holds up to the Chef!
Pics: Danny Camacho
Frame: Fit Hoodbird 21.25
Bar: Fit Hoodbird Bar 9.5
Fork: Animal Street 26mm
Stem: Animal TL
Sprocket: Odyssey La Guardia
Seat: Animal
Seat Post: Fit Piv
Chain: Shadow V2 HL
Pedals: Odyssey OGPC
Rims: G Sport Rib Cage
Hubs: Cinema Front Animal Cassette
Tires: SandM Mainline 2.4s
Pegs: Animal Leno
Grips: Hoder
Pusher Lost Tapes December 15 2018, 7 Comments
Old and lost clips from the team and the homies. Give it a look and let us know what you think? Enjoy!
CONTINUE READING...Grindwheel's 2018 Dream Team Challenge III Results October 23 2018, 7 Comments
Fire, wrecking, ropes and handrails! This past September was really one to remember. For the third year in a row, riders from all over the country participated in the game of games: The Grindwheel Dream Team Challenge.
Every September, crews of BMX enthusiasts hit the streets lighting themselves on fire, jumping over each other and drinking beverages at an alarming rate. To the normal man, this is certainly madness. However, to 114 riders this seemed like a great idea.
Fourteen teams signed up this year turning in twelve videos and including over 100 riders. Each team is given a list of "challenges" to complete for alotted point amounts. At the end of September, the team who turns in a video of themselves scoring the most points: wins. Seems pretty easy right?
Wrong. Every rider will tell you it is harder than you may think. In three years, we've seen hospital visits, separated shoulders, ripped finger tips. and plenty of vomiting. Pain arrives in the most unlikely of ways in September.
We'd like to thank Adam Kennedy down at Two Fisted Mario's for helping us get the Video Premier organized. Also a huge thank you to Fred Gates and Reklamation BMX for helping us with the banners and prizes. Thank you to the staff and also thank you to each and every rider that helped make this so fun and rad! Thank you BMX!!
Without further delay, here are the results of another amazing month of lunacy.
- 1st: The Grindwheel - 47,500 points
- 2nd: Team Farvada - 47,000 points
- 3rd: Pusher BMX Shop - 41,500 points
- 4th: The Untrue Gang - 36,500 points
- 5th: Team Tulsa 3.2 - 29,250 points
- 6th: Pusher BMX Race Team - 28,600 points
- 7th(tie): Team Lawson Cycles - 24,750 points
- 7th(tie): The Floridudes - 24,750 points
- 9th: Pedal Action BMX - 16,000 points
- 10th: Jess & The Macho Men - 13,500 points
- 11th: ABQDNV/DutsComp - 10,500 points (BE$T VIDEO AWARD)
- 12th: Team Swear - 8500 points
- 13th: Team Space Case - DNF
- 13th: The Badgers in Heat - DNF

Frisco Bike Park Dirt Jam! September 12 2018, 2 Comments
The town of Frisco was founded by Henry Recen in 1880 because of the mining boom throughout the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Pioneers, bandits, miners, trappers and traders came here in search of riches beyond their wildest dreams. The times have changed now as the town now attracts more than just your average thrill seeker.
People from all over the world come to visit Frisco, Copper Mountain, Breckenridge, Keystone, and Arapahoe Basin for the amazing skiing and snowboarding conditions. In the summer months, the area attracts outdoor enthusiasts from all walks of life. One of the attractions that brings people from far and wide is the Frisco Adventure Bike Park.
Nestled between The Wichita and Swan Mountains, FABP offers downhill, slalom, and jump sections for all skill levels of riders. On Sunday, September 9, the Pusher BMX Crew threw a Dirt Jump Jam to bring riders together and have a good time. The event was sponsored by Profile Racing, Demolition Parts, The Shadow Conspiracy, Subrosa and Kink BMX.
There were about fifty riders in attendance with a bunch of very happy spectators. If you were present, then you were lulled by the smooth voice of Pat Sabo on his new microphone. Mat Olson decided to put on a dirt jumping clinic that displayed basically every jumping variation you can do on a BMX Bike. Ryan Cibulski went really high and the local shredders did some of the best trains that I have personally ever witnessed.
If you missed this one, I hope that these pictures help you get a feel for the great day that was had. Come out to the next jam. Throw out the meanest dog piss air that you can muster and experience the good times that the Frisco Adventure Bike Park has to offer.
Text: Preston Levi, Photos: Tony Wilhelm
The Starting Hill. Photo: Tony Wilhelm
Mat Olson Back flip. Photo: Tony Wilhelm
Mat Olson doing nothing. Photo: Tony Wilhelm
Mat Olson Spin Whipper. Photo: Tony Wilhelm
Ryan Cibulski went REALLY high. Photo: Tony Wilhelm.
Ryan Cibulski dipped three. Photo: Tony Wilhelm
Adrian Vigil is, and always will be a beast. Photo: Tony Wilhelm
Clay Brown organized the event and we all thank him! Photo: Tony Wilhelm
Preston Levi one footer. Photo: Tony Wilhelm
Winestain with the One footed table. Photo: Tony Wilhelm
Devin Burks one handed X. Photo: Tony Wilhelm
Danny Pierce is one of the hard working locals that we really all owe a debt of grattitude. Places like this dont exist without people like these guys. The workers. The passionate few. Thank you!! Photo: Tony Wilhelm
CONTINUE READING...Grindwheel's Dream Team Challenge 2018 August 01 2018, 23 Comments
Here we go again! The game of games has begun again. For our third year of the Grindwheel DTC, we wanted to up the stakes a little bit. Prepare for more madness and difficult tasks to accomplish. I hope no one is afraid of fire, broken glass, liquids, or animals. Prepare to die in this years, Dream Team Challenge.

Team Name | Team Mascot | Team Members |
Grindwheel | Metal Pegs |
Preston Levi, Devin Burks, Dan Nielsen, Adrian Vigil, Ernest Peters, Shane VanVeldhuizen-shiezen |
Untrue BMX | Untrue Robot | Colin Gilmore, Joey hobart, Jon Harris, Jeff Harris, Seth Snyder |
Pusher BMX (2017Champions) |
Clint Eastwood | Clay Brown, Mat Olson (2017 Best Rider Award), Nic Bonner, Josh Dunn, Tammy McCarley, Micah Lee, Sean Hanni, Dan Kruk |
Pedal Action | Tony Jong-il | Big E, Dustin Boatright, Ryan Faught, Trent Alexander, Zach Kent, Anthony Amos, Tristan Ivas, Lou Kubar, Caleb Mandry |
Team Farvada | Cow | Eric Schiel, Dylan Egli, Adam Baughman, David Campbell, Michael Hill, Adrian Gerardo, Jordan El Nassar, Robin Richardson |
ABQ DNV/DutsComp | Prison Mike | Dustin Arp, Kenjoe Robinson, Ross Albreski, Ben Choden, Mario Carrasco, Danny Camacho, Maxime Chevron |
Space Case | Lil Mayo | Darian Schumaker, Tucker Bonds, Jerry Dickerson, Elijah Avalos, Lupe Mendoza, Dennis Newman, Zane Kibbe, Juan Borjas |
Lawson Cycles | Pigeon | Jon Lawson, Scott Dockstater, Cam Vincent, Heath Owens, Dylan Hernandez, Lowell Knapp, Ian Platte, John Welter, Luke Deweese |
Floridudes | Alligator | The Dude, Mark Mulville, Bob Pratt, Chad DeGroot, Matt Coplon, Matt Perkins, Ryan Torrence, David Bong, Drew McFarlane |
Pusher Race Team | Radical Rick | Kevin Nielsen, Geon Nielsen, Travis Allen, Patrick Dillon, Nick Shepherd, Mike Murfitt, Jason Miles, Jason Devous (INJURED: Lacerated Liver), Zack Parrish, Deak Brown |
Badgers in Heat | Angry Badger | Josiah Janicek, Malik Daily, Nick Striker, Aiden Kirk, Kyler Merten, Danny Davis, Ashton Devore |
Team Swear | Juul | Chris Bernardo, Ben Forseberg, Ryan Brackett, Jeff Dorschner, Tommy Nguyen, Chris Dimiceli |
Jess & The Macho Men | Randy Savage | Habo, Scotty Cyphers, Emores Petty, Ryan Cibulski, Jessica Ausec, Billy Beeble, Tuan Duong |
Team 3.2 Tulsa, OK | 3.2% Beer | Justin Coble, Dravin Groove, Drew Jackson, Bradley Crane, Big Aaron Anderson, Kevin Lira, Colin Wright, Logan Wallace, Shawn Underwood |

Cinema Shop Stop Jam May 30 2018, 10 Comments
Come hang out with one of, if not the best team in BMX! Cinema BMX will be stopping in the shop for a jam and meet n greet. Come ride with the boys and have a killer time.
GrindWheel's Cinco de Mayo Ditch Jam AND Channel 69 News Episode 2!!! May 03 2018, 0 Comments
Looking for something to do this weekend? Well, Denver's very own GrindWheel Crew has you covered! Cinco de Mayo will be on Saturday and the guy's have decided to rent a U-haul Truck and throw a BMX party. There, they will be setting up a wide array or ramps, rails, wall rides, and good times. The gathering will be located at the legendary Winona Banks at Kennedy Park in Westminster, Colorado. There are rumors of tequila, handbutt shirts, river gaps for bucks, and more holiday themed prizes for those who get nasty, or even if you just fall in the water. One thing is for sure, these guys know how to party so be ready!
CONTINUE READING...Tammy McCarley's THE TRIP BMX Edit March 30 2018, 0 Comments
Tammy McCarley has been killing it for so long and shows no signs of slowing down. Doing it for The Trip out in Arizona, Tammy hits a plethora of AZ spots and even scores and NBD last clip in the process! Everything about this dudes riding is snappy and extended.. making everything look proper.
CONTINUE READING...Pusher in Las Vegas! February 14 2018, 8 Comments
Pusher Crew in Las Vegas Video! Get a steamer and watch this video RIGHT NOW!!CONTINUE READING...Taylor Bonds 2017 Deco BMX Video December 29 2017, 22 Comments
Taylor Bonds 2017 Deco BMX VideoCONTINUE READING...Riding The DTC Skatepark After Dark! September 16 2017, 7 Comments
Earlier this week Elevated Perspective and the Crew met up at The Denver Tech Center Park. A lot of laughs, Fiji water and Model-O's were had as we lit up the night!! Andrew is always coming up with awesome ideas for everyone to get out and have fun together. Enjoy!
CONTINUE READING...The Grindwheel Grand Slam Jam 2017 Video and Photo Gallery! August 01 2017, 19 Comments
The Jam of all Jams!! The Grindwheel Crew has done it again! The second annual Grand Slam Jam was one for the books. With well over fifty riders, this jam proved to have it all. Amazing riding, crazy drama and a whole lot of laughter! So stoked to see a confrontation end in a non-violent and hilarious way. Enjoy this!!
Thank you Denver!!! -Photo: Preston Levi
Billie Fox Pedal Slide -Photo: Preston Levi
Devin Burks 60/40 Feeble -Photo: Preston Levi
Danimal Nielsen Dubbz -Photo: Preston Levi
Preston Levi Ice Slide -Photo: Billie Fox
Anthony Pallante Bump to Wall -Photo: Preston Levi
Paco Quintana Over Pegs -Photo: Preston Levi
God King Adrian Vigil Crooked Grind -Photo: Preston Levi
CONTINUE READING...Mat Olson at Woodward Copper! July 28 2017, 9 Comments
Mat Olson put on a show at Woodward Copper BMX camp. With some big tricks in the bowl and stylish runs at Frisco bike park it's safe to say Mat can slay any terrain in front of him!!
Filmed & Edited by Ian T. Macy
CONTINUE READING...The 2017 Pusher Mountain Trip: The Search for Bugler Video and Photo Gallery July 26 2017, 18 Comments
The most looked forward trip of the year just went down last week, and it was one for the ages! Fifteen of us set out to rip the Rocky MTN's Parks, camp above 10,000ft and cruise some motorcycles over The Million Dollar Highway. We covered a lot of ground, laughed our asses off and searched for Bugler to no end. Thanks to all the team riders and the homies that came along for this years trip. Cant wait for next year! Thanks to Andrew Knight for the filming and editing. The crew consisted of Clay Brown, Preston Levi, Dan Nielson, Tammy McCarley, Mat Olson, Nick Bonner, Josh Dunn, Devin Burks, Dillon Graybeal, Shane Vanveldhiuizen, Andy Sweet, Sean Hanni, Dustin Millard, and Tricia Dunn.
Photos taken by: Preston Levi, Ernest Peters, Tammy McCarley
Tammy McCarley Kills Golden Park!! July 25 2017, 12 Comments
Tammy McCarley came to Denver and hung out for the past few weeks. He basically left parks and campsites on fire all while searching for the crews lost dog: Bugler. Here's a sick edit put together by Dustin Arp of Tammy and a day at Golden's new concrete beauty!! Enjoy!
CONTINUE READING...Mat Olson Across America Edit June 30 2017, 19 Comments
CONTINUE READING...The Masta Chef - Devin Burks: Welcome to Pusher BMX May 19 2017, 22 Comments
Proudly presenting The Masta Chef! Devin Burks is our latest addition to the Shop Team. Colorado Native, always shredding the streets of Denver in his own way. This guy is a total "savage" so you had better "put some respect on it!" Hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making this! -Preston
Filmed by: Preston Levi, Clayton Brown, Juaquin Silva
Edited By: Preston Levi
Song: Redbull
Artist: Wu Tang Clan
Album: The W
DecoBMX Mustache Bars Taylor Bonds May 13 2017, 13 Comments
Taylor Bonds put in a lot of work for this, hyped to share it with you all. "Thanks to Clay at Pusher Bmx, Chad at Deco, the Fijiboiz and Derek Cano for filming and editing this."
CONTINUE READING...Pusher Goes to Pittsburgh? March 29 2017, 10 Comments
"Well, are you guys sure that you want to go to The Wheel Mill still? I guess it just snowed eighteen inches and shows no signs of slowing down. Should we just go to California?" -Clayer
This was our conversation five minutes before we left. This was a trip filled with twists from the start! Fly by the seat of your pants style traveling from Flagstaff to Huntington Beach. This trip's crew consisted of Tuan Duong, Dillon Greybeal, Preston Levi and Clay Brown. Good times were had in this Great American Southwest Tale!
Check out the photo gallery from the trip at https://pusherbmx.com/blogs/news/pushers-southwest-drift
Music By:
The Doors
Song: Five to One
Album: Waiting for the Sun
Tammy McCarley Pusher Shop Team Welcome Edit March 22 2017, 18 Comments
Tammy rips it up in Arizona mostly but he's been coming to Colorado for a bit now and fits right the hell in with everyone here. We are stoked to have Tammy on the shop team and we are looking forward to some rad trips this summer! Let the good times rip! Welcome Tammy!
Tuan Duong's Bike Check! March 15 2017, 24 Comments
Tuan letting loose in Sedona, Arizona on a recent Pusher Trip. Photo: @Flagwoods
Seatpost: Macneil
Seat: Demolition Markit
Pedals: Premium Slim PC
Cranks: Demolition Rig, 170mm
Sprocket: Demolition Merit, 27-tooth
Chain: KMC 710 Kool Chain
Front Tire: Demolition Momentum, 2.2”
Front Wheel: Odyssey 7KA, Premium hub
Rear Tire: Maxxis Grifter, 2.1”
Rear Wheel: Odyssey 7KA, Shadow Raptor
Pegs: N/A
Pusher's Southwest Drift February 20 2017, 18 Comments
Our original idea was to go out East in winter with Tuan, Dillon, Preston and myself to ride the indoor parks but 18 inches of snow out that way changed our minds as soon as we got in the jeep. Fuck snow! We headed for the desert...
CONTINUE READING...Pusher Mail Order In Colorado! January 18 2017, 19 Comments
Rob Darden, Seth Klinger and Ryan Biz Jordan shredding Colorado! Filmed and edited by Christian Rigal!
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